Adverse Weather & Emergencies
Pākiki Kids follows DNI’s procedures in the event of adverse weather conditions that require the school to close or open late. This procedure takes into account the need for both students and staff to be able to travel to and from the school safely. Any late start or closure regarding all primary/intermediate schools will also include Pākiki Kids, but there may be other occasions when DNI makes decisions about a late start or closure independent of other Dunedin schools. If Pākiki Kids and DNI are opening late or are to be closed for the day, then an email will be sent to all PK families and a notice will be posted on the PK Facebook page as well. Similarly, in the case of an emergency or if Pākiki Kids is cancelled at short notice, details will be placed on the Pākiki Kids Facebook page and emailed to all parents/caregivers. Absences If your child is going to be absent from Pākiki Kids, please indicate this on the Pākiki Kids app or contact the Pākiki Kids Coordinator before 8.45am. Class Times Classes at Pākiki Kids start at 8.45am each morning and end at 2.45pm. We like to start promptly so students can get the most out of each Pākiki Kids day, so please try to arrive on time. Parents/caregivers may wish to organise carpooling with other families from their child's school or area to help manage transport arrangements, especially for those having to travel some distance. Newsletters Pākiki Kids publishes a newsletter once each term which is emailed out to all PK families and PK Cluster Schools. Information Pack Most administrative details about Pākiki Kids can be found in our Information Pack which is emailed to all PK families at the start of each year. However, if parents/caregivers have any questions about Pākiki Kids, they should contact the Pākiki Kids Coordinator. |